Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let your worries go!

Do you ever sit around with so much to do or so much you are worried about that you sit there and do nothing?

As I talked about yesterday, sometimes the thoughts that come into your head are better left as if you were watching someone else think them rather than take on the worries of responsibility and bear the burden of the "things to do" list.

I wake up some days wondering if I am good Dad, if I am doing the right things for my career, how to make more money to support and take care of those I love or fretting about my to do list.  Other days I am really good at beating myself up for stuff I have done in the past or what I have not accomplished so far in life. It can be quite a load and it can turn into sitting almost zombie like in front of the computer or the TV, in which case I am getting absolutely nothing done at all.

So how do you let all the worry go?

You just do that... Let it go. There is nothing you can do about the past and of course the future is uncertain and you certainly cannot control that, although we try. All you have is the present moment to choose to enjoy or to worry.

Again, if you can sit back and watch the person, as if it were a movie you were watching, suspend your feelings of whether it scene is good or bad and have no attachment to it, you are in essence letting go.

I am not saying not to do anything but to let your worries and responsibilities pull you to the point of being a zombie does no good at all.

I have heard and read Wayne Dyer say, Let go and Let God and I am starting to believe he is right!

Health and Happiness!


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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC