Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dear Grandpa... Thank you for inspiring me!

Dear Grandpa,
Happy Birthday!

Your spirit lives strong with me every day. Although you and Dad have been gone a long time, I feel like you're both with me every day.

Your great-grandson is eight years old and is an awesome kid. I am blessed to have him. I have tried to be the best Dad I can, living by the lessons both you and Dad taught me.

When I have made mistakes I can hear you say "you're going to learn something new every day Billy Boy" and I do so and move on the best I can.

I still keep all of your health, fitness and nutrition books on my shelves and read through them from time to time! If anything, they have kept me on the path I have chosen with this life.

Through my 20s and into my 30s I worked out, ate well, had fun doing so and tried to inspire those around me to do the same. Once your grandson was born I took on the worries of the world and slacked off on my own health, not terribly but enough to feel as though now, at 48, it wasn't good for me and it really wasn't helping anyone around me.

You inspired me to be the health and fitness professional I am today and I think you would be proud of my constant and never ending quest for knowledge and desire to help people.

Wherever you are I hope you know that the short 20 years that I was lucky enough to have you in my life is greatly appreciated and I try every day try to practice the wisdom you gave to me and pass it on.

I love you!

Health and Happiness!


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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC