Thursday, September 5, 2013

I can't tell you what workout is best... but I can give you a little taste of something I do.

As I mentioned in my blog "The Real Roadblock to Success" and "This is a Process not a Program" I do not think it is what you are doing so much as it is how you feel about what you are doing.

I love doing isometrics as a stand alone workout or as a warm up for other exercise.

My Isometric Workout consists of holding 5 to 15 seconds and transitioning from move to move as smoothly as I can. (Usually takes around 5 seconds or less to get to the next position)

My friends have asked for the workout I am doing and while will not give you the whole workout because I don't know you and I am generally don't give out workouts without evaluating someone first, here is a simple routine you can try inside or outside (as I did). Remember you should consult your physician or exercise professional before trying anything new.

6 moves, you can repeat the as many times as you like, but if you can get through it 5 times holding 15 seconds each, it should take you about 10 minutes.

With each move you are trying to perform a full range of motion while reaching and squeezing as much as you as you can.

Jack Knife --- Reaching up to touch the toes
Hip Lift --- Squeezing thigh and glutes
Seated Upright Rotation --- Squeeze those abs, straighten up your spine and turn both ways
Flip over into a Plank -- Squeezing everything! (If this is too challenging, try it from your knees)
Finish with a Low Back Raise -- Arms reaching out
Remember to breath! Go to the point of where you are comfortable going and move smoothly in and out of each position and transitioning to the next.

Health and Happiness!


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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC