Monday, July 2, 2012

What does it take to stay on track?

It’s for you.What does it take to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle? Some say Purpose. I could give you all kinds of reasons… I am 47 years old, I want to be able to play with my kid when I am 57 without feeling like I am not able to keep up with his energy or I am sick and tired of feeling bad!

I could give you a real ego-based excuse and say I want to turn heads again… as if I ever did. I am not sure those drive me this time… Maybe to some extent but not for the most part any more!

As my Dad used to say and perhaps he got this from someone else... but I like to quote him... "Check your Ego at the door kid!"

So this journey to stay in a healthy life style is not necessarily for me this time. It’s for you or what I can give to you. 

Many of the books I have read over the last decade or so... speak to doing things not for myself and self improvement but for the greater good. If my insights give you hope, promise or inspire you to be better… that is what is driving me.

Sure there is no doubt I want to look and feel better… but not for the sake of myself. It has to be for others. I can see no other reason to do it.

What else does it take to stay on track? Find out Friday!

And keep up with my Still Motion Fitness Blog on Wednesdays as we dive into the benefits of Muscle Activation Techniques™and why I use it!

FYI: Down 3 pounds and feeling good!

Health and Happiness!

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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC