Friday, July 6, 2012

Do you have a good support system?

One of my biggest supporters in life died 17 years ago. My Dad was one of my biggest fans. He really was! I don't think the man missed a ballgame I played in as a kid. Not easy to do, most parents would agree. He was a true supporter in whatever I did. I dedicate my thoughts today to him and know in my heart and soul he is still here cheering me on!

I use to think that I needed a good support system. You know, girlfriend saying, “I support everything you want to do, no questions asked and won’t be disappointed when I need your attention and you go off to the gym.” 

I wanted my kid to look at me and not be upset that I was sitting on my spin bike while he waited for me to play or read to him. But guess what? That may or may not happen. People do get disappointed when you don’t give them what they want. The fact of the matter is, I can’t control what they feel nor should I try to!

I love it when people say… “You make me feel (Insert Adjective)” My response now is… “No, You feel that way… You control how you feel”

I believe at any time you can control how you feel in any given situation. If I disappoint you, you might want to ask yourself why you feel disappointed before blaming me. That’s not to say I didn’t follow through on a task you asked me to do. But that is my responsibility. The reality that you are disappointed is yours, not mine.

Call it fear… call it what ever you like… It is what it is and there is no way you can know or control what the people in your life are going to say about what you are doing.

You need to follow your own inner guidance system and not worry about what everyone else’s opinion is. One of my favorite sayings I heard from Dr. Wayne Dyer is… “Be independent of the good opinions of others” A saying I think he got from Maslow, but none the less, I give him credit because I heard it from him first.

That doesn’t mean you can’t juggle all of the responsibilities you have as well. Sometimes all those responsibilities get easier when you put yourself on the top of the list.

This week was a little lighter with clients and business because of the July 4th Holiday in the middle of the week but I was excited at the opportunity of time to get to my workouts and tweak my eating plan… although it got tweaked on its' own with a couple of parties I attended.

So what am I eating and what are people going to say when they find out you are on a diet and working out more? I will let you know on Monday July 9th, 2012.

Health and Happiness!


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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC