Monday, June 25th, 2012
Hi my name is Bill Busch. I have worked in the fitness industry
since 1985 and have held a lot of roles; Personal Trainer, Fitness Director,
Group Exercise Instructor, Nutrition Counselor, Business owner.
Currently, I have been a Muscle Activation Techniques™
Specialist since 2005 and have in last 3 years developed what I call the Still
Motion Fitness™ Workout for my clients as a progression to get back into a
healthy, fitness lifestyle after MAT™ Treatments.
But that’s not why I am starting this blog today. I am
starting this blog because I am a 47 year old, single Dad and I weigh just a
little over 200 pounds and according to my scale I have 29% body fat. Ouch! Am I obese by any means, no... but I am and feel out of shape
and overweight. Maybe just like you!
I have, since I was 38, struggled
with starting and stopping, what should be easy for me, a healthy lifestyle… I
should have no excuses, right? I am a trainer! Should be easy! I didn’t purposely
gain 20+ pounds over the last 10 years, I just got caught up in what everyone
else gets caught up in… Life!
Married at 38 years old, had a kid when I was 40, divorced
at 44, struggled with different jobs, starting my own business and finding the
time to work out and eat healthy just like everyone else.
I get it! All those years I had no empathy for my clients in
finding time to be healthy, I finally get it. At one point, in the last couple
of years, I was almost 220lbs. The last time I was 220lbs, I was a bodybuilder
squatting 400lbs, benching 315lbs and dead lifting 600lbs. I should have been
220 then.
Then I had no excuses… Now, I have started and stopped so many times
since I was 38 I can’t tell you. I would take pictures and make detailed plans
of what I wanted to accomplish… 180 and ripped… again. NOT! Nothing ever seemed
to work.
So yesterday I weighed in, took measurements, took pictures…
just as I have done every time before.
What makes this time any different? Will it be the diet? Is
it the Still Motion Fitness™ Workout? Well if you are reading this and care to
follow. We are going to see… And maybe we can all get a little smarter about
how to stick with a healthy lifestyle.
Come back and visit Friday or subscribe and get this automatically e-mailed to you
Come back and visit Friday or subscribe and get this automatically e-mailed to you
Health and Happiness!
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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC