Monday, July 30, 2012

Holding Steady and facing one of my Demons!

I have held from the onset of this blog that this is a process and not a quick fix program or see how much weight I can lose program. But you know when you get on the scale and you haven’t lost a pound… that little feeling inside of you, your ego, says, “What’s going on? What’s wrong with you?”

That’s hard for me to fight. I want to make progress every week and tell you about it but I guess there are going to weeks that you may not see the scale drop. So what?

Are we in a competition here? No, I don’t think so. But it sure would be nice to have those cool before and after pictures some people put up. ;-) But I resist the urge for now.

2002 Chicago Marathon
So I didn’t lose any weight this week.  As a matter of fact I am up a little bit. I weighed in last week at 187 but now find myself back up to 190. But I did get a lot accomplished. I had a workout every day last week except for Friday and I managed to do a little running last week as well. Something I have not done in a long time... Kind of a demon of mine.

I ran the 2002 Chicago Marathon in about 4 hours and 15 minutes and then swore never to run a marathon again. And I think, but for a few times here and there over the last 10 years I really have not ran much to speak of.

I liked running. I still like the idea of running, but the marathon messed me up. I hurt more after that marathon then after any workout I have ever done. And that has stuck with me. As a matter of fact after both of my runs this week I was sore.

The irony is that they felt good doing it but my legs were sore the day after my run last Wednesday and Sunday morning I woke up with a little backache from my run on Saturday.

Now understanding progression as a trainer and if a client of mine were telling me this I would say to him or her, “You just did too much. And your body wasn’t ready to handle it. Instead of a two mile run maybe we should have started off with a ½ Mile or even a ¼ Mile?”

Progression with control is the name of the game. Time to back off, reassess and then take my workouts to another level.

Health and Happiness!


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Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist
Still Motion Fitness LLC