I can't help it, but I keep coming back to joy of fitness and working out as I find that it really speaks to me.
As I was running yesterday I deliberately unplugged from tracking my milage, pace or any music to push me as I wanted to feel my body cooperate with the spirit of my run.... Ala Caballo Blanco
I do not, in anyway, size, shape or form pretend to be immune from competition and pushing, especially with myself. In the back a my mind lingers the past... Benching 400 pounds, Squatting 600, running a marathon or that body building trophy that sits on desk and I struggle sometimes, at 48 years of age, that I cannot do any of those things like I did "Back in the Day."
But was it the fact that I did a 400 pound bench press, ran the marathon or got my body in what was then the best shape of my life at one time or was it the joy of training to do those things in the first place?
To each his own when it comes to joy. Now when I feel my body is cooperating with my spirit I have joy. Sure it is joyous when you accomplish a goal, have a personal best or put a new trophy up, but if you did not enjoy the process in the first place what do you really accomplish?
I can remember the grueling workouts that got me to the 400 pound bench press, the runs that drove me to 26 miles and the meticulous dieting to get ripped for competition and that is where I like to stay... In the joy of getting there!
Health and Happiness!
We all have ups and downs when it comes to our own health and fitness... Even trainers do... but after 30 years in the fitness business and being dedicated to continuing education I have a couple of things I would like to share and say! Hopefully I can be of service... no matter how fat headed you may think I am. ;-)
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
It is time to let criticism, condemnation and judgement go!
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself"
Dr. Wayne DyerOne of my long time clients handed me the NY Times Sunday Review from last week and starting on the front page was an interesting op-ed piece on Personal Trainers.
While I would like to agree with the writers interpretation of what Personal Trainers have become ultimately it does me no good to criticize, condemn or judge others in my profession or even the writer.
If you would like take the time to look up the article and google it please do so and you may have your own thoughts on it to live with... or not and let it go.
For me, it has been tough not to interject my opinion about the Fitness Industry and Personal Training as I would be condemning the very thing that I do. I can only take one moment at a time with each of the people I try to help. I find that I judge, criticize and condemn myself enough so there is no point in doing it to others.
My tools for helping people are not better, they are just my tools. And for those that use my services I can only do my best. I can't look around and make judgements on what other trainers are doing to their clients because more than likely, I hope, they are trying to help them the best that they can.
Health and Happiness!
Monday, July 29, 2013
The Best Workout... Ever!
The Still Motion Fitness Isometric Workout has been my go to workout for the last 4 years. I have all the research to back it up. I use it will all my clients and myself. But when it comes down to it, it is not the only thing I do nor is it the only thing I want my clients to do.
I love lifting weights, running and biking and I am game to try anything.
I can't necessarily argue with doing something you love to do unless it is causing undo stress to your musculoskeletal system.
As I launch into week 6, I am trying to take on a bit more weight training and as I look to the future I would love to take on more physical challenges, again for the pure enjoyment.
So the best workout ever... Is the one you are doing right now that you love!
Health and Happiness!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Let your worries go!
Do you ever sit around with so much to do or so much you are worried about that you sit there and do nothing?
As I talked about yesterday, sometimes the thoughts that come into your head are better left as if you were watching someone else think them rather than take on the worries of responsibility and bear the burden of the "things to do" list.
I wake up some days wondering if I am good Dad, if I am doing the right things for my career, how to make more money to support and take care of those I love or fretting about my to do list. Other days I am really good at beating myself up for stuff I have done in the past or what I have not accomplished so far in life. It can be quite a load and it can turn into sitting almost zombie like in front of the computer or the TV, in which case I am getting absolutely nothing done at all.
So how do you let all the worry go?
You just do that... Let it go. There is nothing you can do about the past and of course the future is uncertain and you certainly cannot control that, although we try. All you have is the present moment to choose to enjoy or to worry.
Again, if you can sit back and watch the person, as if it were a movie you were watching, suspend your feelings of whether it scene is good or bad and have no attachment to it, you are in essence letting go.
I am not saying not to do anything but to let your worries and responsibilities pull you to the point of being a zombie does no good at all.
I have heard and read Wayne Dyer say, Let go and Let God and I am starting to believe he is right!
Health and Happiness!
As I talked about yesterday, sometimes the thoughts that come into your head are better left as if you were watching someone else think them rather than take on the worries of responsibility and bear the burden of the "things to do" list.
I wake up some days wondering if I am good Dad, if I am doing the right things for my career, how to make more money to support and take care of those I love or fretting about my to do list. Other days I am really good at beating myself up for stuff I have done in the past or what I have not accomplished so far in life. It can be quite a load and it can turn into sitting almost zombie like in front of the computer or the TV, in which case I am getting absolutely nothing done at all.
So how do you let all the worry go?
You just do that... Let it go. There is nothing you can do about the past and of course the future is uncertain and you certainly cannot control that, although we try. All you have is the present moment to choose to enjoy or to worry.
Again, if you can sit back and watch the person, as if it were a movie you were watching, suspend your feelings of whether it scene is good or bad and have no attachment to it, you are in essence letting go.
I am not saying not to do anything but to let your worries and responsibilities pull you to the point of being a zombie does no good at all.
I have heard and read Wayne Dyer say, Let go and Let God and I am starting to believe he is right!
Health and Happiness!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Keep going no matter what the "Other Person" thinks.
Tomorrow will mark 5 weeks of consistent working out and food habit change. While some days I have felt fantastic others I feel I am in a lull of sorts and nothing is happening. Why is this?
If on day one as I pointed out yesterday I could barely run a block or two and on Day 33 I ran 5 miles joyously, I am making progress. It all depends on what you are looking at. 15 pounds in less than 5 weeks is progress. Just because the scale didn't tip another pound down from yesterday means nothing. The process of losing weight and reshaping your body does not happen over night.
This is a journey of learning not only what goes on physically with me but the how the emotional roller coaster plays into all this as well.
Each day we all get a ton of thoughts that enter our minds and the best solution so far has been to stop and ask myself, "Is this thought true?" or to pause and just feel how the thought is making me feel, almost as if I am watching another person and then watch that thought go away... good or bad.
The essence of who I am is good no matter what the "Other Person" thinks of me. It is an interesting concept but one I am inclined to believe because the results are undeniable!
Health and Happiness!
If on day one as I pointed out yesterday I could barely run a block or two and on Day 33 I ran 5 miles joyously, I am making progress. It all depends on what you are looking at. 15 pounds in less than 5 weeks is progress. Just because the scale didn't tip another pound down from yesterday means nothing. The process of losing weight and reshaping your body does not happen over night.
This is a journey of learning not only what goes on physically with me but the how the emotional roller coaster plays into all this as well.
Each day we all get a ton of thoughts that enter our minds and the best solution so far has been to stop and ask myself, "Is this thought true?" or to pause and just feel how the thought is making me feel, almost as if I am watching another person and then watch that thought go away... good or bad.
The essence of who I am is good no matter what the "Other Person" thinks of me. It is an interesting concept but one I am inclined to believe because the results are undeniable!
Health and Happiness!
Friday, July 26, 2013
From running a block or two a month ago to Running 5 miles... Easy!
![]() |
Caballo Blanco |
I would like to say, "Wow" but I am actually not that surprised because every time I go running or workout, I think of the same thing... Words from Caballo Blanco from the book Born to Run by Christopher McDoughall, “Think Easy, Light, Smooth, and Fast. You start with easy, because if that’s all you get, that’s not so bad. Then work on light. Make it effortless, like you don’t give a shit how high the hill is or how far you’ve got to go. When you’ve practiced that so long that you forget you’re practicing, you work on making it smooooooth. You won’t have to worry about the last one – you get those three, and you’ll be fast.”
I remember a year ago I got into a big mess pushing to hard and I ended up hurting myself. I have done that same thing many a times in the gym as well. One time I tried to get an extra rep doing some "Cleans" and dropped 175 pounds on my knee... Ouch.
Easy, controlled workouts that don't leave me sore and begging to take the day off or worse yet a week off.
For the last 32 days that has kept me going... and day 33 holds the same.
Health and Happiness!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Going with the Flow!

No 10,000 Steps, no runs, no biking, no isometrics. No nothing!
After taking care of some business in the morning I hung out with my son all afternoon and into the evening and all we did was chill out, play battleship, watch some cartoons, play some video games and then had dinner.
I honestly went with the flow of the day instead of checking everything off my fitness to do list.
I woke up today refreshed and energized and ready to go!
Perhaps going with the flow is a good thing? Beats the daily grind!
Health and Happiness!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The Fitness Expert versus the Fitness Student!

When I first started in the fitness business back in September of 1985, I took a job at a racquet ball club instructing people to use Nautilus and Free Weight equipment. I wasn't quite 21 and honestly the only knowledge I had back then was the fact that I was one of those "jock" types that worked out all the time and knew how to use the equipment... well kind of.
At one time, I thought my body was the best way to sell personal training and as you can see by the picture (taken a long time a go... In a galaxy far, far away) I did my best to mold it to perfection and learned a great deal about how I needed to work out to reach that level.
Now almost 30 years later, a half dozen certifications, a degree in food and nutrition science and constant never ending study, some call me an expert. I am flattered by the title but with all my years in this business comes the wisdom to say, "Thanks, but no thanks... I am a student."
The process I am going through now is a learning process and as I do for my clients that I am honored to take care of, I evaluate and look for the best possible solution to health and fitness each and every time I see them.
I would love to go on and on about how the fitness industry churns out so called experts. Heck, now anyone can put a website, buy some business cards and "Bam!" you are a fitness expert. They will sell you supplements and workouts that make you thinner... but bitching about it doesn't really do any good does it?
There are no gimmicks people! There is only one day
at a time, the commitment to move a little more than you did yesterday, progress, to
enjoy the process and learn from mistakes and successes you have made.
Constant, never ending learning and evaluation is the real expert.
Health and Happiness!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
30 Day Results!

On July 23, 2013, I was 203.4 pounds and 25 percent body fat. Now this wasn't even me at my worst over the past 8 years but I had enough of feeling bad.

Yesterday's picture was taken with me weighing just under 190 (189.2) and my body fat down to 21percent.
Not a bad drop for only making sure my calorie intake was less than I was burning and making sure I did my Still Motion Fitness (Isometric) workout every day.
Most important part of workouts has been to make sure that every one was fun and enjoyable. It is amazing that I could only run a block or two at a time the first week and this morning I ran over 4 miles. And yes, it was fun and enjoyable.
I am really excited about the next 30 days because not only I am adding more weight training to my workouts and increasing my running and biking I am adding in some Muscle Activation Techniques as well with a fellow Certified MAT Specialist to keep me on track and make sure everything is balanced and stable as well.
So happy that you have tagged along for the ride on my journey. I hope to inspire you to do the same!
Health and Happiness!
Monday, July 22, 2013
The Last Meal!
Have you ever thought to yourself "I'm going to go on a diet" and then you have a "last meal." One that consisted of your favorite food or perhaps even something that wasn't necessarily your favorite food but you know is really bad?
Why do we do that?
I always had a "last meal" when doing this kind of thing in the past, but this time I did not and for the most part have not had any cravings for anything... except maybe in the ice cream dream.
No one is paying me for doing this. I am not sponsored by anyone. This is just for me. So to go completely austere seems silly to me. I want to enjoy every bite I am eating rather than feeling as if I am sacrificing good taste.
After four weeks of watching calories and making sure the amount I was putting in was less than the amount I was burning, It's now time to make some decisions about exactly what and when calories are going in rather than just counting.
I am almost 14 pounds down, 2 1/4 down in my waist size and have seen all seen all areas of my fitness health improve.
A tweak here or there should do the trick and the next 4 weeks should be as successful as the first.
Health and Happiness!
Why do we do that?
I always had a "last meal" when doing this kind of thing in the past, but this time I did not and for the most part have not had any cravings for anything... except maybe in the ice cream dream.
No one is paying me for doing this. I am not sponsored by anyone. This is just for me. So to go completely austere seems silly to me. I want to enjoy every bite I am eating rather than feeling as if I am sacrificing good taste.
After four weeks of watching calories and making sure the amount I was putting in was less than the amount I was burning, It's now time to make some decisions about exactly what and when calories are going in rather than just counting.
I am almost 14 pounds down, 2 1/4 down in my waist size and have seen all seen all areas of my fitness health improve.
A tweak here or there should do the trick and the next 4 weeks should be as successful as the first.
Health and Happiness!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Disappointment is not an option!
Some days you get up and you expect your world to be different perhaps than it was yesterday. It's not, so how do you feel? Disappointed, right?
Well, disappointment is not an option.
It is day 28 of my journey and I have learned so much. The one thing for sure I cannot allow to happen is to be disappointed.
Disappointment can lead to anger and we all no anger leads to the dark side (A little Star Wars humor for you today).
If you woke up finding yourself a pound up instead of a pound down it is time to reevaluate what you are doing, not be disappointed. And although I am not a full pound up, I am not where I thought I would be today.
Don't let any of those crappy feelings creep in like frustration or overwhelm. I remember Tony Robbins saying let "frustration get you excited because you are on the verge of a break through."
Well, Tony, I am ready for a break through!
Health and Happiness!
Well, disappointment is not an option.
It is day 28 of my journey and I have learned so much. The one thing for sure I cannot allow to happen is to be disappointed.
Disappointment can lead to anger and we all no anger leads to the dark side (A little Star Wars humor for you today).
If you woke up finding yourself a pound up instead of a pound down it is time to reevaluate what you are doing, not be disappointed. And although I am not a full pound up, I am not where I thought I would be today.
Don't let any of those crappy feelings creep in like frustration or overwhelm. I remember Tony Robbins saying let "frustration get you excited because you are on the verge of a break through."
Well, Tony, I am ready for a break through!
Health and Happiness!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Ice Cream Dreams!
I took a nap after work yesterday and I had this crazy dream that I was at a mall eating ice cream with some friends. The friends were some guys I haven't seen in years but manage to see on Facebook every once in a while.
The crazy thing about it wasn't the friends that popped up in the dream it was the fact that the ice cream felt and tasted so real. Everything about the dream was so vivid even my feelings of guilt for eating the ice cream and how I would eventually work off the calories.
What in this world could it all mean... That I am officially obsessed maybe?
I don't really eat much ice cream... if I were going to dream of something to indulge in it should be pizza or biscuits and gravy!
Anyway, that is it for today. On to bigger and better things!
Health and Happiness... And Ice Cream Dreams!
The crazy thing about it wasn't the friends that popped up in the dream it was the fact that the ice cream felt and tasted so real. Everything about the dream was so vivid even my feelings of guilt for eating the ice cream and how I would eventually work off the calories.
What in this world could it all mean... That I am officially obsessed maybe?
I don't really eat much ice cream... if I were going to dream of something to indulge in it should be pizza or biscuits and gravy!
Anyway, that is it for today. On to bigger and better things!
Health and Happiness... And Ice Cream Dreams!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Day 26... Tired but not out!
Waking up most days at 4:30 in the morning, raising a son, albeit part time, running a business and day to day life tasks can be a grind sometimes but for the past 25 days I have not only made time at some point during the day to workout I have done so with passion and determination.
I sit here a little over 13 pounds lighter than I was June 24 in hopes of making it to about 15 pounds down by day 30. The number and day it happens is not as important as the consistency of effort every day. I know I will get there.
Today was just a blip in the cycle of training. This weeks "to do list"was long and task filled and I still have client notes and workouts to complete, call backs to make and now an annoying item I have to research concerning my business.
I am tired to say the least but I am not out!
Check "Write Blog" off my to do list and then get to my workout finally and I will be one step closer to finishing my week.
Health and Happiness!
I sit here a little over 13 pounds lighter than I was June 24 in hopes of making it to about 15 pounds down by day 30. The number and day it happens is not as important as the consistency of effort every day. I know I will get there.
Today was just a blip in the cycle of training. This weeks "to do list"was long and task filled and I still have client notes and workouts to complete, call backs to make and now an annoying item I have to research concerning my business.
I am tired to say the least but I am not out!
Check "Write Blog" off my to do list and then get to my workout finally and I will be one step closer to finishing my week.
Health and Happiness!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Planning your fitness day to day!
It is fun to look up at my 90 day calendar and see Day 25 and each of the previous days checked off, as in, "Done... Accomplished That!" 25 days in a row of at least one workout a day, eating a thousand less calories than I burn and writing about it every day.
It has opened up more and more possibilities to me and I see myself at another level both physically and emotionally.
Something I have done in the past is try to plan my workouts, but for me I have discovered that it requires daily adjustments, just as I do for my clients.
I have a blueprint of what I want to do and accomplish, but things change, clients reschedule, home or work projects need attending to, a certain little boy needs attention and sometimes I have to get my Still Motion Fitness Workout in at 9:30pm like I did last night.
I still accomplished the goal but it was not exactly how I thought it would come about.
Today, I decided sleeping in a little might benefit me more than getting up and doing some "Cardio" work. I have clients, meetings and an event to go to tonight and honestly don't know when I might get my workout(s) in... But I know I will, even if it is some short 10 minute bursts of training here and there.
Right now, planning my fitness day to day, always with the goal in mind, works for me. I don't look at it as failure if I don't do exactly what I intended but rather success that I even made time at all.
Health and Happiness!
It has opened up more and more possibilities to me and I see myself at another level both physically and emotionally.
Something I have done in the past is try to plan my workouts, but for me I have discovered that it requires daily adjustments, just as I do for my clients.
I have a blueprint of what I want to do and accomplish, but things change, clients reschedule, home or work projects need attending to, a certain little boy needs attention and sometimes I have to get my Still Motion Fitness Workout in at 9:30pm like I did last night.
I still accomplished the goal but it was not exactly how I thought it would come about.
Today, I decided sleeping in a little might benefit me more than getting up and doing some "Cardio" work. I have clients, meetings and an event to go to tonight and honestly don't know when I might get my workout(s) in... But I know I will, even if it is some short 10 minute bursts of training here and there.
Right now, planning my fitness day to day, always with the goal in mind, works for me. I don't look at it as failure if I don't do exactly what I intended but rather success that I even made time at all.
Health and Happiness!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
What are you reading to keep you fit?
Our health and fitness can be as much of a challenge to thoughts and emotions as it can be to you physically.
As I have said, when I started this journey, my goal is not only to be in the best physical shape of my life but also to discover the in and outs of why I got to be overweight in the first place and to stay in a constant state of health and happiness... And perhaps it can help a few people along the way.
I have always dreamt of having a library full of books in my house and I am fortunate to have 6 full shelves of books ranging from health, fitness, nutrition, anatomy and physiology to motivational, spiritual, business and literature. I also possess a number of books on cd and audio on my Iphone so that when I am in the car driving from client to client I can listen at my leisure instead. It's amazing what you can learn in a 45 minute drive to a client's house.
Currently most of my reading stems around my spiritual mentor Wayne Dyer and many of the books he recommends. I also have on hand many anatomy and physiology books to keep my mind on my practice of MAT and the development of my isometric based workout, Still Motion Fitness.
If I could read and write all day, in between workouts and helping clients achieve their goals it would be a dream come true... Oh wait, I do that already!
What are you reading to help keep you fit?
Health and Happiness!
As I have said, when I started this journey, my goal is not only to be in the best physical shape of my life but also to discover the in and outs of why I got to be overweight in the first place and to stay in a constant state of health and happiness... And perhaps it can help a few people along the way.
I have always dreamt of having a library full of books in my house and I am fortunate to have 6 full shelves of books ranging from health, fitness, nutrition, anatomy and physiology to motivational, spiritual, business and literature. I also possess a number of books on cd and audio on my Iphone so that when I am in the car driving from client to client I can listen at my leisure instead. It's amazing what you can learn in a 45 minute drive to a client's house.
Currently most of my reading stems around my spiritual mentor Wayne Dyer and many of the books he recommends. I also have on hand many anatomy and physiology books to keep my mind on my practice of MAT and the development of my isometric based workout, Still Motion Fitness.
If I could read and write all day, in between workouts and helping clients achieve their goals it would be a dream come true... Oh wait, I do that already!
What are you reading to help keep you fit?
Health and Happiness!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
My Training Partner!
Back in the day, when I was body building, I had an awesome training partner that got me to the gym probably more than I wanted to.
I think he and I had a chemistry that matched no ones in the gym! Not only did we push each other to the limits but we tried just about everything when it came to working out. You name it, we tried it.
We once did an arm workout that took all day long! Imagine having the time to do that? We did super sets of arms every half hour over an eight hour period to see if our arms could grow an inch in one day. Crazy, I know, but those we some of the most fun times in my life when it came to working out.
He lives 2000 miles away now and although we are still friends and partners still (he design my website www.billbusch.com) I now rely on those memories for inspiration.
I can't actually imagine having a better training partner than my friend Steve and today's blog is just a Thank you to him for some great memories of workouts and a friendship that has lasted over 20 years.
You are always there with me buddy and remembering the joy of those times pushes me a little harder through my journey! You are one of a kind... Love you Bro!
Health and Happiness!
P.S. In case you are wondering I believe we did add an inch to our arms... short lived because as we discovered it was all from the inflammation that we caused by doing such a crazy thing. There are worse things you could do in your youth. ;-)
I think he and I had a chemistry that matched no ones in the gym! Not only did we push each other to the limits but we tried just about everything when it came to working out. You name it, we tried it.
We once did an arm workout that took all day long! Imagine having the time to do that? We did super sets of arms every half hour over an eight hour period to see if our arms could grow an inch in one day. Crazy, I know, but those we some of the most fun times in my life when it came to working out.
He lives 2000 miles away now and although we are still friends and partners still (he design my website www.billbusch.com) I now rely on those memories for inspiration.
I can't actually imagine having a better training partner than my friend Steve and today's blog is just a Thank you to him for some great memories of workouts and a friendship that has lasted over 20 years.
You are always there with me buddy and remembering the joy of those times pushes me a little harder through my journey! You are one of a kind... Love you Bro!
Health and Happiness!
P.S. In case you are wondering I believe we did add an inch to our arms... short lived because as we discovered it was all from the inflammation that we caused by doing such a crazy thing. There are worse things you could do in your youth. ;-)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Does it take 21 Days to make or break a Habit?
The question I ask myself on Day 21 of my journey is "Does it take 21 Days to make or break a Habit?" According to some of what I found on the internet this is only based on empirical data, not clinical.
The challenge I have with it, as I am sure most of you do, is that many of us have gone 3 weeks, 3 months or maybe even 3 years doing something every day only to find ourselves back in the same position we were years ago that we didn't want to be in.
I for one have struggled over the last 8 years gaining and losing the same 10 to 20 pounds, just as everyone else has. I take 10 to 15 pounds off and then it would creep right back on again.
So to me a habit isn't something you make or break. What we are really talking about is lifestyle.
What we enjoy day to day is our lifestyle and you might have to ask yourself if you are enjoying your life because it is the things you enjoy that are natural or second nature as some put it.
Is it natural for you to get up a little early or take time out in the middle of your day to do a workout? Is it natural to pick up some fresh fruit at the grocery store when you have no food to eat in the middle of the day or pull through the drive thru at your local fast food place?
Health and Happiness!
The challenge I have with it, as I am sure most of you do, is that many of us have gone 3 weeks, 3 months or maybe even 3 years doing something every day only to find ourselves back in the same position we were years ago that we didn't want to be in.
I for one have struggled over the last 8 years gaining and losing the same 10 to 20 pounds, just as everyone else has. I take 10 to 15 pounds off and then it would creep right back on again.
So to me a habit isn't something you make or break. What we are really talking about is lifestyle.
What we enjoy day to day is our lifestyle and you might have to ask yourself if you are enjoying your life because it is the things you enjoy that are natural or second nature as some put it.
Is it natural for you to get up a little early or take time out in the middle of your day to do a workout? Is it natural to pick up some fresh fruit at the grocery store when you have no food to eat in the middle of the day or pull through the drive thru at your local fast food place?
Health and Happiness!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The Price of Greatness!
A good friend of mine likes to call me with good quotes... This week he called and left a message that asked "What is the price of greatness?"
Winston Churchill once said, "The price of greatness is responsibility." I would add to that enjoying your responsibilities is essential to becoming great as well.
On a Sunday when I am to drop my kid off at a birthday party and have a day to myself I could easily sit back and blow off the day with mind numbing activity but I have so many responsibilities to take care of that it may appear to be overwhelming.
Perhaps if I make a little time for fun while I attack my responsibilities I can enjoy them.
Let see what happens.
Enjoy the day no matter what... It is the only one you have.
Health and Happiness!
Winston Churchill once said, "The price of greatness is responsibility." I would add to that enjoying your responsibilities is essential to becoming great as well.
On a Sunday when I am to drop my kid off at a birthday party and have a day to myself I could easily sit back and blow off the day with mind numbing activity but I have so many responsibilities to take care of that it may appear to be overwhelming.
Perhaps if I make a little time for fun while I attack my responsibilities I can enjoy them.
Let see what happens.
Enjoy the day no matter what... It is the only one you have.
Health and Happiness!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Somedays you need a little Will Power!
first 18 days of my journey have been successful for me. I have lost 10 pounds.
I have written my blog and done my Still Motion Workout everyday. But
yesterday, day 19, was one of those "busy" days with work, parenting
responsibilities and "stuff" to do (oh wait… aren’t they all like
that?) and I found myself at the end of the day exhausted with a one of those
headaches that goes right behind the eyes.
it will not be the end of the world if I miss a day doing my workouts but
somehow I was compelled to get down on the floor and at least get a basic one
in. After about 20 to 30 isometric holds and moving my body from position to
position I found some momentum and in 30 minutes I worked up a good sweat and
felt a lot better.
I might have just skipped it and said to myself, “Just rest and get up and do
it tomorrow” but I think we all have that power of will in us that if we can
just gather up for a moment we can turn it into momentum.
just that quick workout I then found myself down at the park with my kid
hitting some baseballs and having a catch. Sun lowering on the horizon, my kid
laughing and smiling I thought the power of will is a pretty cool thing and sometimes
you need to summon it up because this moment is worth it!
and Happiness!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Maybe Today?
It's okay to be down on yourself. We've all been there... We've all done that!
I have beat myself up for years for the things I have not accomplished or the bad situations I have seemed to let myself get into. But beating myself up doesn't get me anywhere.
It is a horrible feeling when nothing ever seems to go the way you want it or when you have, what feels like, a million things to do and you can never get any of it done. It just lingers over you and then it effects everything in your life.
Maybe today is the day to let go of it all.
Maybe today is the day to say I am where I am if I was supposed to be somewhere else I'd be there.
Maybe today is the day to pick one thing and get it done!
Maybe today you focus on being grateful for everyone and everything you have in your life.
Imagine a day like that... It would be Outstanding!
Health and Happiness!
I have beat myself up for years for the things I have not accomplished or the bad situations I have seemed to let myself get into. But beating myself up doesn't get me anywhere.
It is a horrible feeling when nothing ever seems to go the way you want it or when you have, what feels like, a million things to do and you can never get any of it done. It just lingers over you and then it effects everything in your life.
Maybe today is the day to let go of it all.
Maybe today is the day to say I am where I am if I was supposed to be somewhere else I'd be there.
Maybe today is the day to pick one thing and get it done!
Maybe today you focus on being grateful for everyone and everything you have in your life.
Imagine a day like that... It would be Outstanding!
Health and Happiness!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Dear Grandpa... Thank you for inspiring me!
Dear Grandpa,
Happy Birthday!
Your spirit lives strong with me every day. Although you and Dad
have been gone a long time, I feel like you're both with me every day.
Your great-grandson is eight years old and is an awesome kid. I am blessed to have him. I have
tried to be the best Dad I can, living by the lessons both you and Dad taught
When I have made mistakes I can hear you say "you're going to
learn something new every day Billy Boy" and I do so and move on the best
I can.
I still keep all of your health, fitness and nutrition books on my
shelves and read through them from time to time! If anything, they have kept me
on the path I have chosen with this life.
Through my 20s and into my 30s I worked out, ate well, had fun doing
so and tried to inspire those around me to do the same. Once your grandson was
born I took on the worries of the world and slacked off on my own health, not
terribly but enough to feel as though now, at 48, it wasn't good for me and it really wasn't helping anyone around me.
You inspired me to be the health and fitness professional I am today
and I think you would be proud of my constant and never ending quest for
knowledge and desire to help people.
Wherever you are I hope you know that the short 20 years that I was
lucky enough to have you in my life is greatly appreciated and I try every day
try to practice the wisdom you gave to me and pass it on.
I love you!
Health and Happiness!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
In The Zone!
I had two good workouts yesterday and both were what I would call "In the Zone".
The best I can explain was that neither workout required a great deal of thought and my mind was clear of interruption. Almost like what meditation should probably feel like.
I find it interesting that when we workout that we need all these distractions to get through it all. Everyone has headphones on when they are running or at the gym people have TV's on when they are doing their cardio or watching while they are in the weight room.
Now, I really like a good sound track sometimes but I don't want to be distracted from my workouts, I want to feel them and enjoy them. And honestly, for me, I don't want any distractions when I am lifting weights.
I have made an effort, especially when I am outside to feel every step and listen to my body rather than try to use a distraction to get me through it.
Again, I have nothing against a good soundtrack to pump me up, I just like feeling every rep, every stroke of the bike and every step I take.
Health and Happiness!
The best I can explain was that neither workout required a great deal of thought and my mind was clear of interruption. Almost like what meditation should probably feel like.
I find it interesting that when we workout that we need all these distractions to get through it all. Everyone has headphones on when they are running or at the gym people have TV's on when they are doing their cardio or watching while they are in the weight room.
Now, I really like a good sound track sometimes but I don't want to be distracted from my workouts, I want to feel them and enjoy them. And honestly, for me, I don't want any distractions when I am lifting weights.
I have made an effort, especially when I am outside to feel every step and listen to my body rather than try to use a distraction to get me through it.
Again, I have nothing against a good soundtrack to pump me up, I just like feeling every rep, every stroke of the bike and every step I take.
Health and Happiness!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Redefining my goals!
I set out with some realistic and attainable goals on Day 1 of this journey and have stuck with it. I thought the goals would be something I could do daily and or accomplish in a weeks time.
So after 14 days I think it is time to reestablish and put a few more specifics towards my success.
My first goal of doing my Still Motion Fitness Isometric Workout at least 20 minutes a day has been fantastic. For the past week I have been doing 30 minutes a day, so let's take that one up to 30 minutes.
Using my activity tracker I have taken at least 10,000 steps a day and as a matter of fact I averaging about 12,000. Let's take that up to 12,500.
Calorie intake vs. how calories burned needs a little tuning up, but I am averaging about 1000 or more calories burned. I will be burning more calories with more workouts anyway.
Although I didn't list it, I have been doing pushups and pull-ups every day at least once a day. Makes me feel like a kid so I will stick with that and it is fun to get my kid doing them with me!
I have done at least 2 cardio sessions and 2 weight training sessions each week for the last two weeks. I think I can take that up to 3 times per week starting today!
And finally I have written in this blog every day and shared my thoughts. Sometimes short and sweet, sometimes a bit too much like today. But nevertheless I have stuck with just like I said I would from the beginning.
These are all still realistic and attainable goals. They are not overwhelming and taking 30 minutes to do some exercise while my kid is playing Xbox Kinect (At least he is moving too) or involving him in a bike ride while I take a run up to the local park to play with him isn't a bad thing. I hope it sets a good example for him.
I am excited, to say the least and I am honored that you have taken a moment in your day to read about my journey. I hope it gives you a little push or insight to meet your own health and fitness goals.
Health and Happiness
So after 14 days I think it is time to reestablish and put a few more specifics towards my success.
My first goal of doing my Still Motion Fitness Isometric Workout at least 20 minutes a day has been fantastic. For the past week I have been doing 30 minutes a day, so let's take that one up to 30 minutes.
Using my activity tracker I have taken at least 10,000 steps a day and as a matter of fact I averaging about 12,000. Let's take that up to 12,500.
Calorie intake vs. how calories burned needs a little tuning up, but I am averaging about 1000 or more calories burned. I will be burning more calories with more workouts anyway.
Although I didn't list it, I have been doing pushups and pull-ups every day at least once a day. Makes me feel like a kid so I will stick with that and it is fun to get my kid doing them with me!
I have done at least 2 cardio sessions and 2 weight training sessions each week for the last two weeks. I think I can take that up to 3 times per week starting today!
And finally I have written in this blog every day and shared my thoughts. Sometimes short and sweet, sometimes a bit too much like today. But nevertheless I have stuck with just like I said I would from the beginning.
These are all still realistic and attainable goals. They are not overwhelming and taking 30 minutes to do some exercise while my kid is playing Xbox Kinect (At least he is moving too) or involving him in a bike ride while I take a run up to the local park to play with him isn't a bad thing. I hope it sets a good example for him.
I am excited, to say the least and I am honored that you have taken a moment in your day to read about my journey. I hope it gives you a little push or insight to meet your own health and fitness goals.
Health and Happiness
Sunday, July 7, 2013
You can put nice pictures up at your Fast Food Restaurant... but you are not fooling us!
We stopped at a fast food place on the way home from our July 4th Holiday and noticed on the walls were nice pictures of people eating meals together, with a nice table set up, plates and real silverware.
What we saw all around us were people eating off of the paper their food was wrapped in, or if you happen to get a salad the plastic it came in with plastic forks, knives and packets of ketchup and salad dressing.
Did the fast food place think they were fooling us into thinking we would come here more often for the ambience of the place?
It was convenient fast food on our way home because we really had no other choice. It would have been nice to find a farm stand with fresh picked fruit or vegetables from someones local farm or garden but that wasn't on the menu at the refueling stop.
We did enjoy ourselves and laughed at the fake pictures and thought, "Boy are we glad we don't do this often!"
Heath and Happiness!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Holiday Day 3!
As I enjoy family and a little bit of travel I have still made time to get my isometrics and a run or walk in and keep the calories coming in lower than the calories I am burning.
It would be easy to just relax for a day wouldn't it? But if we wake up with our dreams and goals in front of us why would we deviate from the plan?
Yesterday, visiting family, we actually all went to a gym to workout together.
I wonder what fun activities we will find to do today?
Health and Happiness!
Friday, July 5, 2013
It's nice to sit back and relax for a couple of days and get away from the hectic city.
Of course if you already live away from the city I suppose it's fun to come and enjoy the craziness of it all.
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