Friday, June 29, 2012

This is suppose to be easy… Right?

Happy Birthday to my best friend since Kindergarten, Tony! When I went to Tony’s house as a kid, they had little to no snack food in his house… I thought that was weird!

So the first week should be easy right? You are all motivated; ready to do whatever it takes to get in the best shape of your life! But then life throws you some curve balls!

Sunday and Monday went according to plan. Sunday I got in a great bike ride and did my Still Motion Fitness™ Workout. Monday, I started blogging and got in another great workout. Tuesday I squeezed in a workout early where normally I might be doing some business admin in between clients and then the shit hit the fan… That night I tried to get some session notes out to clients along with starting my Still Motion Fitness™ Workout Blog:, but I had computer (DSL) problems that kept me up late… 

Then Wednesday morning I have car problems and think… Really? I need to drive all over creation to not only see my clients, do a demo for Muscle Activation Techniques but I need to drive my son to swim lessons and Hockey Practice (Yes Hockey Practice in June… What parent would deny their kid doing something they love?)

Car problems fixed, I managed to complete all but one task… and I still managed a short(15 minutes) but effective workout.

Thursday it was scorching hot and I found myself with a headache most of the day (again... Really?). I have to be honest with you waited until late in the day to get it my workout... another 15 minutes.

I am keeping a log of my workouts and will post it in the near future… That’s right! I am not giving away all my secrets just yet.

I will tell you my intention is to do the SMF™workout daily and some sort of resistance training 5 days a week. I will be getting in some endurance (Cardio) training when I have the time. I am not big on the cardio thing but enjoy my bike and a good run.

Also, I am going to, as Michael Pollan puts it, “Eat food, not too much, mostly Plants.” And enjoy the process!

In the meantime, I need to run my business, take care of my clients, spend quality time with my seven year old, my girl friend, stay in touch with family, friends and do the things necessary to stay on track with this whole idea!

What things are necessary you ask? Tune in Monday, July 2nd, 2012 as I talk more about it.

Health and Happiness!

Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist

Monday, June 25, 2012

It Starts Today!

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Hi my name is Bill Busch. I have worked in the fitness industry since 1985 and have held a lot of roles; Personal Trainer, Fitness Director, Group Exercise Instructor, Nutrition Counselor, Business owner. 
Currently, I have been a Muscle Activation Techniques™ Specialist since 2005 and have in last 3 years developed what I call the Still Motion Fitness™ Workout for my clients as a progression to get back into a healthy, fitness lifestyle after MAT™ Treatments.

But that’s not why I am starting this blog today. I am starting this blog because I am a 47 year old, single Dad and I weigh just a little over 200 pounds and according to my scale I have 29% body fat. Ouch! Am I obese by any means, no... but I am and feel out of shape and overweight. Maybe just like you!

I have, since I was 38, struggled with starting and stopping, what should be easy for me, a healthy lifestyle… I should have no excuses, right? I am a trainer! Should be easy! I didn’t purposely gain 20+ pounds over the last 10 years, I just got caught up in what everyone else gets caught up in… Life!

Married at 38 years old, had a kid when I was 40, divorced at 44, struggled with different jobs, starting my own business and finding the time to work out and eat healthy just like everyone else.

I get it! All those years I had no empathy for my clients in finding time to be healthy, I finally get it. At one point, in the last couple of years, I was almost 220lbs. The last time I was 220lbs, I was a bodybuilder squatting 400lbs, benching 315lbs and dead lifting 600lbs. I should have been 220 then. 

Then I had no excuses… Now, I have started and stopped so many times since I was 38 I can’t tell you. I would take pictures and make detailed plans of what I wanted to accomplish… 180 and ripped… again. NOT! Nothing ever seemed to work.

So yesterday I weighed in, took measurements, took pictures… just as I have done every time before.
What makes this time any different? Will it be the diet? Is it the Still Motion Fitness™ Workout? Well if you are reading this and care to follow. We are going to see… And maybe we can all get a little smarter about how to stick with a healthy lifestyle.

Come back and visit Friday or subscribe and get this automatically e-mailed to you

Health and Happiness!

Bill Busch
Certified MAT Specialist